In October 1998, Terence relocated to Georgia after being born and raised in Queens, New York and received a recommendation to attend a church in Conyers, Georgia. Terence had his heart set on living in Georgia after a visit some years prior, and when the time was right, he was offered an opportunity to housesit in Decatur, Georgia. Three weeks upon his arrival, Keynia relocated to Georgia after living in Washington, DC for a year because Keynia also had her heart set on living in Georgia after a visit years’ prior. Keynia moved to Conyers, Georgia Nov. 19, 1998 and was recommended to attend the same church Terence was attending. The pair met three days later. They both became active within the church and in a very short period of time began to feel their hearts stirring for each other. On New Year’s Eve night, Terence approached Keynia and shared his heart. The pair were advised by their pastors to take the opportunity to fast for 30 days to make certain they both were hearing God about the other. Well, God did not disappoint, and spoke audibly to both of them on the last day of January 1999. And with a word of confirmation from God, Terence and Keynia began doing life together. The dynamic duo married was engaged and married all within eight months’ time.
Terence and Keynia believe their marriage has been designed by God, and they live out their mandate to help relationships become healthy and a great reflection of love. Not only did their paths cross back then, but they have also spent their entire marriage crossing paths in all things including business. The pair not only help relationships as a heart’s passion, but also opened their own therapy practice as licensed therapists to speak to the whole family: children, teens, individuals, couples and families. Their practice is a staple within its community and is serving the families within it effectively and professionally.
Terence & Keynia have brought six beautiful children into the world and are passing on this generational blessing of healthy love onto their children. The oldest of the children seems to be a mirror image of the pair as she met and married her husband within a very short period of time and now are expecting Terence & Keynia’s first grandchild.
Terence & Keynia’s vision is to “Heal their communities: One Person, One Family at a time.” And they believe the work and proof begins in your own home first.
Terence & Keynia work to help every relationship be "Knot Hardley Broken."
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